3 Questions with 3 Members of the Lillie K. Team

Our series "3 Questions With" covers everything from playful to soul-searching topics. This month we decided to pull the curtain back and invite three members of the Lillie K. Team to participate, including our lead agent, Raj, our digital marketing specialist, Tia, and our marketing assistant, Tatiana.

If you could pick up and leave tomorrow morning on the trip of your dreams, where would you go? 

Raj: Parque Pumalin in the Los Lagos region of Chile where it’s summer now,  in a heartbeat. Probably the place with the most natural beauty I have visited in my life.  Waking up in one of the cabanas in Caleta Gonzalo on the edge of Golfo De Ancud with the seals playing in the water and the towering mountains dwarfing everything around!

Tia: RUM magazine’s latest international edition featured an article on a 100+ acre art park & boutique hotel on the grounds of the Wanås Estate in southern Sweden. Ever since I’ve read this article, and investigated their latest line-up of boundary-pushing multidisciplinary artists whose work is perfectly scattered through their untethered estate, I’ve had the most compelling desire to pick up and spend at least a weekend immersed in this seemingly fantasy world.

the Wanås Estate

Tatiana: Saint Barthelemy, one of my favorite islands. I have been there 3 times and I could never get bored.

Name a Hudson Valley institution that you are deeply grateful for. How do they contribute to your sense of community? 

via WAMC

via WAMC

Basilica Hudson

Raj: Two if I may.  Time and Space Ltd in Hudson (Thank you, Linda Mussman and Claudia) for bringing an eclectic selection of fantastic movies week after week and Basilica Hudson for bringing so much culture to the area with genre-defying music, film, and art events (Thank you, Melissa and Tony).

Tia: Lil’ Deb’s Oasis in Hudson! Not only has Lil’ Deb’s changed the landscape of culinary experiences in the Hudson Valley, but they’ve also created a lively and supportive community that closes its doors to no one. The wonderful team behind this newly branded upstate ‘institution’ is constantly finding ways to support local artists, give back to their local neighborhood in a meaningful way, and build an inclusive community around a common love for rebellious cuisine. 

Photo by Heidi’s Bridge for Bon Appetit

Photo by Heidi’s Bridge for Bon Appetit

Lil’ Deb’s Oasis

Tatiana: Junior SPAC Committee; I got involved with the Junior Committee four years ago after moving to Saratoga Springs as a way to meet other young professionals. We are a dynamic group of young professionals who dedicate our time to support the Saratoga Performing Arts Center’s artistic and educational programs (especially for local children). Our goal is to assist SPAC in fundraising, to cultivate relationships within our community, and to encourage people to join us in supporting SPAC.

All three of you were born in different parts of the world, and yet you now all call this part of New York State your home, in one way or another. What makes you feel most at home in this part of the world? What keeps you here?

Raj: Born and raised in India and having traveled to a lot of beautiful places in the world, I would have to say that the Hudson Valley is certainly one of the most fun places to live in the U.S., if not the whole world. It has everything I want, in terms of natural beauty, fabulous food, seeing young farmers thrive, a sense of community despite very diverse backgrounds and political views, art and culture, proximity to my beloved Montreal…

Tia: The Hudson Valley is, to me, one of the most soulful places in the United States. I have never experienced anywhere else a life surrounded by such a high density of creative and neighborly people than I have in this special part of New York State. No matter what you are seeking, whether it be culture, entertainment, nature, or local and sustainable sustenance, it can, and will, be found here. 

Tatiana: I was born and raised in the beautiful country of Romania. While I miss my family, Saratoga Springs, NY has become my home away from home for the past 6 years now. I love everything that this city has to offer; my friends, work and all the local charities and community groups that I am involved in, making this transition a pleasant and fun one!